7 Must-Know Lessons on Personal Finance from Your Local Banker

At the end of every month, your banker will hand you your statement. She'll probably give you a good, long look as she fills it out, and if you're lucky, she'll ask you a few questions about your finances.

But when it comes time to pay that bill or file your taxes, it's likely that you'll get off the ground running and that you'll have to figure everything out yourself. Here are 7 things you should know about personal finance from your local banker.

If you're like millions of other people, you probably pay a lot of attention to your personal finances. You might keep careful track of your checking and savings account balances, monitor your credit card bills, or even read your bank statement every month.

However, there's a lot more to becoming a savvy money manager than just paying attention to the numbers. In this issue, we're going to reveal 7 lessons every responsible adult should know about managing their personal finances. And, we'll tell you how these lessons can be applied to your own life. Let's get started:

7 Financial Education You Must Know

1. Get All the Details Straight In Your Head

The world is becoming increasingly complex and it is harder than ever to manage your money successfully.

Most people are drowning in a sea of information and aren't even aware of the problems that swirl around in their heads. This educational article simplifies the most important concepts of personal finance into easy-to-remember “truths.”

2. Set Goals And Have A Clear Vision Of Where You Want To Go

What we've got here is a financial education tip you can use to set goals and have a clear vision of where you want to go. It's no secret that money and investing can be pretty confusing.

If you can manage to set goals and have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish, you'll be able to work to achieve it.

3. Be Willing To Make Constant Adjustments As You Go Along

There is nothing in the world that is set in stone. Every single thing has to be kept in check and constantly adjusted as circumstances change.

The idea of having to make constant adjustments and adjustments to your personal finance plan is scary. It’s even scarier to have a financial plan that’s not based on reality. You need to learn how to be willing to make constant adjustments to your plan.

4. Don't Let Yourself Get Bogged Down By Small Stuff

There are lots of things you need to know in order to be free financially. But the most important thing is to not get bogged down by small stuff.

Instead of getting hung up on whether the firm in which you're investing is a partnership or a corporation, concentrate on the two or three things that are most important. And then, do your best to ignore everything else.

5. Think Long Term, Not Short Term

A lot of people get confused when they first start thinking about investing money. They get focused on the goal of making money right away.

The problem with this is that it's a “short term” mindset that keeps most people from ever reaching their financial goals. Instead, you should be thinking about the long term and how what you are doing will impact your bank account in years to come. You need to develop a long-term view of your finances.

6. Pay Yourself First (Every Month)

When you want to build a successful business and achieve financial freedom, one of the first things you must do is pay yourself first.

This means paying yourself a salary before you start spending money on your business. By doing this, you’re building equity into your business from day one, which will enable you to make wise financial decisions.

7. Learn To Manage Your Money Well

Smart consumers know that there is a difference between healthy and unhealthy spending. Unhealthy spending occurs when we spend money on something that does not significantly increase our quality of life.

For example, if you smoke because it makes you feel good in the short term, then you are smoking for the wrong reasons.


Personal finance can be confusing. It’s hard to know where to begin and what you really need to pay attention to. There are so many different types of advice and tips out there, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. That’s why it’s important to learn the basics from someone who knows the subject inside and out.